I have finally managed to get my head round the technology and find the time to make & post a U-Tube video.
Why have i done this? After all i have no commercial interest and am selling nothing. The reason is that i believe i have a trading methodology that works- simple! What i have decided so far is that i will post a series of e-videos using E-Signal, Metatrader & Ensign charting platforms showing:
Basic chart preparation- this will show how i approach any market starting with a clean chart. The chart will eventually end up with major support and resistance levels clearly shown as major median lines and major reaction lines. These charts show there is no need for what are called MultiPivot Lines as nearly all major pivots can be denoted as a touch on either a median or reaction/warning line. Each and every pivot has a relationship with the previous/past and current & future pivots. These relationships are expressed by the various forks.
Reaction line Grids/webs3.
How I trade these charts once they are prepared as per 1 & 2. This section will be in 3 separate videos and include topics such as Trend & Reversals, Trade setups using my reaction line entry method and indicators guidance, money management.